The eight foot cross stood a silent and solitary vigil for seventy five years until a former Park Service employee sued for its removal. With their undies in a bundle and froth at the mouth, the American Civil Liberties Union joined the fray and demanded ...demanded! removal of the venerated Mojave Desert War Memorial.
Angered and insulted by this challenge, a new generation of heroes banded together in defense of the memorial. Veterans of World War 2, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm formulated a land transfer alternative, where five acres of privately owned land elsewhere in the preserve would serve as ransom for one acre around the memorial. Congress approves and both parties heave a sigh of relief. Then, the haters catch wind of it.
Have you ever seen a hissy fit? What a sight to behold. I reckon the ACLU threw one liberally (no pun intended) punctuated with stomping, screaming and gnashing of teeth before descending on the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals. Why? Compromise would avoid destruction of the memorial.
On October 7, 2009 the Supreme Court will determine the fate of the Mojave Desert War Memorial, which has been sheathed in plywood pending that decision. If the veterans claim is denied, the memorial
will be destroyed.
I bet the next target is Arlington National Cemetery, where thousands of pristine crosses mark the final resting place of American heroes. If a single cross instigated an attack of vapors, Arlington's 300,000 crosses must be akin to an atomic wedgie that threatens to rip the seams right out of the ACLU's meticulously starched tighty whities.
I would argue that 'civil liberties' should include those of military veterans and not just a select group of lobbyists hell bent on communism. If you agree, SPEAK UP!

You can make a difference. Write to your representatives, grab the Mojave Desert War Memorial widget and use it to pass the word. If the haters succeed, how will future generations know of American contributions and sacrifices for the greater good? History forgotten is history repeated. Speak up!
First Amendment Center
Save Our Memorials
Don't Tear Me Down
worldNet Daily
List of Targeted Memorials - PDF
The Arlington National Cemetary crosses were put up with permission. The people buried under the crosses and stars of david wanted those particular symbols as their memorial right? Do you think everyone that fought for the USA in WWI wanted a giant cross in the middle of the desert? I doubt it, there are already WWI memorials that are not huge Christian symbols... What do we need another for?
I don't want to set a precedence for everyone and the mother to be able to stick up a memorial on federal property whenever they see fit. How would you feel about a baby sacrficing pedestal praising satan erected in front of your local library? You think it wouldn't happen, but you shouldn't underestimate atheists and their over the top theatrics. Didn't you hear about all the things they did around Christmas when the cities had to be fair and let everyone put up decorations at city hall since they had a manger scene up?
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